
Robert Plant Approved Of Black Crowes and Jimmy Page Collaboration

Led Zeppelin

The Black Crowes frontman Chris Robinson looked back at his former band's collaboration with legendary Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page and says that Robert Plant gave him his blessings.

Back in 1999, Page teamed up the Black Crowes for live performance of Led Zeppelin classics and some blues standards which resulted in the double live album "Live at the Greek: Excess All Areas".

During a recent interview with AL.com Robinson had the following to say about the one-off team-up, "I got to open for Robert when I was 23 years old. I spent two tours, back-to-back opening for Aerosmith and Robert Plant as a little frontman, so ultimately Robert has my great respect and I had to find some way to sing those songs that people who love Led Zeppelin would still like them. Robert told me that I did a good job. He gave me his blessing, so that's all that I needed."

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