
Singled Out: Horisont's Bad News

Today Axel S�derberg of Horisont tells us about the song "Bad News" from their brand new album "Odyssey," which will be released this Friday (September 18th). Here is the story:

Like many of the times I bring a song to the band they all crack up and think we can't do a song like this... This was one of those times. When I present a song it's usually me having an idea in my head what the song is gonna sound like, but it's not easy portraying that idea with my guitar skills and little or no lyrics. This time like many times before I stand tall and say "This will be epic!" and take matters in my own hands, convince the drummer to learn the song and do a demo of it with me playing the guitar. This is when the other guys turn their head and go "This is stupid, I only like this when drinking beer!". I give them beer and go "How do you wanna do it?", and then we're off. Getting some real guitar tracks added to the mix, proper solos and a few changes here and there and the song turns out pretty much the way I wanted it from the start. The band suddenly thinks the song is good enough for a single and being able to enjoy the song sober. This has been the case with many of our best songs and i guess the guys have started to trust my songwriting. But I'm pretty sure they'll never stop laughing when I pick up a guitar and start playing my latest great masterpiece.

I guess you can call our latest release a concept album. It's a story of a new breed of humans being grown by unknown alien super masterminds and trained to inhabit planets all over the universe. It was our bass player who came up with the story. One of these groups of men was shipped to an earthlike planet to be ruled by the alien masterminds.

The song itself was written about this prodigal son who suspects something is wrong with situation on this planet. He unites the people and starts a war against the aliens. Of course our hero wins the war and is crowned king of the new world. All is well but as time passes by and he starts to become more and more like the very ones he was fighting from the start, and a new revolution is born...

Don't get me started on the video, I have no idea what went wrong there but it's AWESOME

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself as you check out the video here and learn more about the album right here!

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