
Digital Daggers Singled Out Week: Just Beneath The Flames

Alternative pop duo Digital Daggers release their new album, "Mixed Emotions" this week and to celebrate we asked Andrea Wasse to tell us about some of the tracks. Today we feature the song "Just Beneath The Flames". Here is the story:

Can I be incredibly nerdy here and admit that this song was a little bit inspired by Game Of Thrones? The imagery was definitely sparked by it. Kings and queens of Bedlam�

This song is about the spark dying- 'will the wild winds sing again, or will we stay just beneath the flames?' Where there was once hope for a future, the protagonists in the song- once brave and idealistic- have grown complacent and have found themselves questioning what they had thrown their entire beings into.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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