
Singled Out: Meeting Of Important People

Today Josh Verbanets from Meeting Of Important People tells us about their new single "Keep Your Eyes On Me" from their brand new album "My Ears are Having a Heart Attack", which is being released this week. Here is the story:

""In Meeting of Important People, I write a lot of "character songs" that are supposed to be sung from the point of view of someone else, not necessarily my own voice or perspective. KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME is our new single, and fits into this category:

I had the idea to do a dance song, you know-- one that orders people to GET UP AND SHAKE IT or GET OUT ON THE DANCE FLOOR, but in a way that it could sound equally like someone having fun or instead like someone's insecure girlfriend/boyfriend ordering them around. It always seemed to me that most of the point of dancing in public is to get people to look at you anyways, so I wrote the lyrics from the perspective of someone being bossy at the club, ordering everybody around them to give them attention-- or they're leaving.

The kick drum was recorded as a loop, which just repeats throughout the song to give it that dance feel, and the rest of the drums were played "live"... we ended up with kind of a demented island-sounding song, which I think is perfect for the lyrics. When we perform this song live, we do a big breakdown and try to get everybody to clap and sing along right before the final chorus, sounds like some excellent arena-rock.""

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album right here!

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