
New Jimmy Page Music Coming in 2013?

Corbin Reiff of Finding Zoso just published a new interview with Guitar World Editor in Chief, and author of the new book Conversations with Jimmy Page, Brad Tolinski, who says that fans can expect new music from Jimmy Page. Possibly next year. Here is that portion of the interview:

Finding Zoso: Jimmy has been promising to deliver new material for quite some time, and has stated that we might see something next year, what is your take on this, should fans be hopeful?

Brad Tolinski: Yes I do think that they should be hopeful. It's funny because I've seen the process a couple of different times and every time he's sort of really gets on a roll putting something together, some sort of Led Zeppelin business comes up and derails him. That's happened a couple of times, but I wouldn't be surprised if you see something come out next year. I know he's been working on some new things for a while and the ideas are really cool and I know he's gone quite a bit of way to realize them. I think we may see something next year and it will be really cool. It will surprise you.

Finding Zoso: Can we maybe expect to see him on the road touring? He has mentioned several times that he'd like to tour as well?

Brad Tolinski: I don't know, I would imagine that he would. I know that he loves to play live and that he loves to tour so I would think that he would. He's certainly playing very well, anyone who has seen Celebration Day can see that he's playing as well as he has in years and years and years.

I don't know if you can use this, but thought I would bring it to your attention. Check out the full interview here.

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