
DUI Case Dropped Against L.A. Dodgers' James Loney

(TMZ) L.A. Dodgers 1st baseman James Loney has dodged a MAJOR bullet ... because prosecutors have rejected the DUI case against him ... even though he allegedly acted like a complete maniac on the night he crashed his Maserati.

TMZ broke the story ... Loney was popped in L.A. back in November after colliding with a Toyota around 6 PM and then careening into 2 other vehicles.

According to the police report, the officer on the scene claims Loney's behavior was incredibly bizarre ... noting the athlete "exhibited eyelid tremors and his shirt was soiled and moist from perspiration, from his armpits down to his waistline."

Loney also allegedly refused to take a breathalyzer ... and spit the mouthpiece back at the cops. He was arrested on suspicion of DUI and cops took a blood sample to test for drugs and alcohol.

But the toxicology report came back NEGATIVE ... and now, the L.A. City Attorney's Office has decided NOT to pursue the case "due to insufficient evidence to proceed."

Case closed. more on this story

TMZ submitted this story.
Copyright TMZ - Excerpted here with permission.

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