
Tesla Forced To Make Hard Decision

(Rock News Desk) Tesla singer Jeff Keith says the band were heartbroken when they realised they had to sack Tommy Keoch because the guitarist just couldn't stay off drugs.

The band recently released an album featuring tracks recorded by Skeoch in 2005, just before Tesla kicked him out. That followed the founding member's original departure a decade earlier, also due to addiction issues. Keith tells Noisecreep the band reunited in 2000 for a short run of shows but it led to bigger commitments. "Fast-forward to 2003 and we all agreed that we wanted to make a new studio album," says the singer. "So we wrote and recorded one. Then we went out on a tour with the Scorpions � and things with Tommy started to fall apart."

"Everyone in Tesla has been through their own substance abuse issues, but Tommy got in too deep again. So the band told him that the only way we'd be able to make this work is if he was clean and sober." more here

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