
Charlie Sheen Borrowed $10 Million

(TMZ) Charlie Sheen -- who scored the biggest paycheck in TV before getting the boot -- had to borrow a huge amount of money from Warner Bros. during his last season on "Two and a Half Men."

TMZ has obtained Charlie's contract for Season 7 (2010 - 2011). The document -- dated May 17, 2010 -- requires Warner Bros. to pay Charlie $10 million within 10 days of the date Charlie signed. Charlie was then obligated to pay the money back during the first 13 episodes.

To repay the loan, Sheen -- who was getting a base pay of $1.25 million a show -- had $769,230.77 deducted from each paycheck for the first 13 episodes. But then there's this pesky issue of interest. Under the deal, the interest -- calculated at the prime commercial rate -- would be deducted from the 14th paycheck. more on this story

TMZ is submitted news provider for the Day in Pop.

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