
Geldof Says Rock Can Save Music

(Rock News Desk) Bob Geldof says the music industry can't survive by relying on TV gameshows, moulded pop stars and fashionable festivals, but rock can save the day � if it can find it teeth again.

Speaking at the South by South West festival in Austin, Texas, the former Boomtown Rat calls on musicians to remember: "Rock'n'roll needs to be against something. It can't just be."

Geldof feels modern technology is nothing more than a distraction from the real issues. "This hyper democracy of the web simply gives the illusion of talent," he says. "Everybody has got the means to say anything they want � but nobody has anything to say. Can you imagine the 1960s without the bands interpreting the fast-moving agenda of the times? Where are our Ramones and Sex Pistols of today? Do we need them? 'Yes' is the answer. Will they be found? Probably not. More from Bob here

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