
Stone Temple Brothers Despite Problems

(Rock News Desk) Stone Temple Pilots guitarist Dean DeLeo says the band's music is worth all the tolerance he's had to show over Scott Weiland's weird ways. Almost all of their problems, from cancelled tours to police investigations, addiction issues to rehab time, have been down to their singer. But DeLeo insists they're family � although he was glad of the break when they split up in 2003.

The guitarist tells the New Zealand Herald: "If there was an award given out for patience and compassion I'd have a mantel full of them. But I've been in this band 20 years, and if I allow myself to get bent over and angry, and lost in that bulls*** world of anger, who's the idiot?

"Regardless of what you hear about what happens, the four of us are brothers. We grew up together. We're all different human beings and we all have different things that float our boat." more on this story

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