
Heavy Metal To Get Official Religious Status?

(Rock AAA) A Facebook group has already attracted almost 35,000 followers in a drive to get "Heavy Metal" recognition as a faith in the upcoming UK census. With forms currently being delivered to every house-hold in the UK for the ten yearly census of the population, the page administrators are convinced that they can garner enough support from the countries metal-heads to make a significant impact.

The idea has sprung from the astonishing results of the 2001 census when 390,127 people (0.8% of the population) in the UK filled in their forms stating Jedi as their favoured faith in a grassroots protest against the inclusion of the question about religious beliefs.

The group urges followers to make Heavy Metal a recognised religious faith using quotes from Ozzy Osbourne and a personal endorsement by Saxon frontman Biff Byford: "Are you a defender of the faith? Do you throw the horns more often than you put your hands together? Then join our campaign to let the UK Census and the whole world know it."

RockAAA.com is an official news provider for the Day in Rock.

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