
Singled Out: David Michael's Heart Let Up On Me

Today Americana singer/songwriter David Michael tells us about "Heart Let Up On Me" from his brand new album "Low Bid On A Dream". Here is the story:

"Here's a song that's been rattlin' around in my bag for years and years. My pal, John Kappler, fells it's struck from then mold of the great old road warriors, like Merle Haggard and Waylan Jennings, and thinks we should pass it along to Jeff Bridges, since by some mystical coincidence the song foretold the story of his movie "Crazy Heart". Hell, that'd be great!

The singer seems to be a loner who's had it made over and over, but walked away. There's a recurring three note bass line which descends, but leaves us at the same chord taking us nearly nowhere, almost as a measure of this tired cowpoke. Same thing at the mid-song crescendo where the changes lead to an almost certain modulation which never comes.

Instead the venerable Dick Meis brings in the pedal steel guitar to weep for us and for this worn out rambler, who'd go home if he knew where it was."

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself with previews clips from the entire album right here!

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