
The Day The Rolling Stones Unintentionally Topped the Chart

On this day in 1967, The Rolling Stones were on top of the American singles chart with "Ruby Tuesday," the group's fourth U.S. no. 1 single. "Let's Spend the Night Together" was the original A-side but after radio stations banned the song, "Tuesday" became the plug side. Gibson takes a look back:

1967 certainly was the year for double A-sides. The Beatles put out two of the finest tracks of their illustrious career on "Strawberry Fields Forever"/"Penny Lane"�only to see them stall at #2 in the U.K. behind Engelbert Humperdinck's "Please Release Me." The Rolling Stones' big double, "Let's Spend the Night Together"/"Ruby Tuesday" had a rockier road to travel, but somehow managed to make it to the top of the charts� sort of.

"Let's Spend the Night Together" was a risqu� song for its time, an overt invitation to carnal relations. The track was powered by guest pianist Jack Nitzsche and a kickin' rhythm track led by Charlie Watts. But the spotlight really shines on Jagger, who is in full rooster mode, strutting and preening, letting the listener know he means it when he says, "I'll satisfy your every need/And now I know you will satisfy me." more on this story

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