
Singled Out: Charlie Williams

Today Classical Crossover teen singer Charlie Williams tells us about the title track from his sophomore album "Dreams Comes True," which hit stores this week. Here is the story:

The idea for this song first came to me when I was flying. As a pilot (in training), I spend a lot of time up in the air- and I reflect on everything that's going on. I remember looking out the window, seeing just sky & air and (as corny as it sounds) thinking that anything is possible. I'm 16, navigating an airplane and writing a record. As soon as I landed, I booked studio time and began the process of recording, "Dreams Come True".

"Dreams Come True" is set to the tune of Pachelbel's Canon with original lyrics. I wanted it to be something really romantic so I based everything around my favorite line in the chorus, "A love I never knew until I found you." Then I combined violin, piano, and back up orchestration and the song was done in 2 hours. Sometimes, it just happens like that.

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself as you watch a video of Charlie performing it right here!

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