
Dimebag's Murder Helped Bring Big Four Together?

(Gibson) Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine was recently interviewed about the upcoming Big Four performances by Noisecreep. The guitarist was asked why, so far, there's only been one U.S. Big Four show scheduled (April 23 in Indio, California). "That, I don't know," he said. "But I do know this � and it's not me speaking on behalf of any of the Big Four collectively or individually � it started off as one date before, and then it ended up being several. So I would say for people that pray, do so. For people that don't, start."

Mustaine goes on to say that he feels responsible for keeping apart the bands in the Big Four (who also include Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax). "I think a lot of it was contingent on me, because [in the '80s and '90s] I was going through a lot of personal stuff that really put an unnecessary wall between all of us," he said. "A lot of it has been publicized, a lot of it wasn't. Most of it was the much heralded and worn stories of drugs and alcoholism."

Mustaine also said the bad blood stemmed from his use of black magic and witchcraft, which he had gotten into when he was young. It was the death of a fellow metal guitarist that changed his life. "I had practiced black magic and was friends with Satan, so those things kind of happen when you make bad choices," he said. "And once I started looking at things differently � once [Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell Abbott] had been murdered, unfortunately � it helped me put things in perspective between all of us in the Big Four." more on this story

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