
Coldplay More Talented Than The Beatles?

(Gibson) In 1966, John Lennon declared that The Beatles were bigger than Jesus Christ � much to his later regret. Now, 34 years later, Kanye West has made a similar, if slightly less blasphemous, declaration. Speaking to The Sun, West opined that when all is said and done, history will judge the Fab Four as inferior to�Coldplay?

"America has, and probably always will, dominate music across the globe," said West. "But it's always been the British who pull out that very special band. We have had amazing bands like Nirvana and Guns N' Roses, but it's the British who have had the cream with The Beatles and The Rolling Stones setting the standard. I love Coldplay, and I honestly think they are on the same level as The Beatles."

He continued, "In 30 years, when Coldplay are old men, people will look back and say, 'These guys were more talented than The Beatles.' I have worked with Chris Martin and the man is a genius � as a performer and a songwriter he is on the same level as John Lennon. I am not saying this sort of [expletive] lightly. It's really how talented the guy is. And Coldplay can go down as the best ever � even bigger than The Beatles." - You can stop laughing now

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