
Dorian Holley Teaching Three New Classes

Dorian Holley of the Los Angeles Music Academy College of Music Vocal Department (and Associate Music Director for American Idol) has announced three new classes being added to the Vocal Department's curriculum, starting next quarter.

Holley, who has extensive credits singing alongside the likes of Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Dave Matthews Band, Usher, Queen Latifah, Sugarland and Rod Stewart, introduced these particular classes to help students focus on the audition process, as well as rehearsing and performing on stage. The Stage Presence, Rehearsal Technique and Showcase courses will be available to all students in the Diploma and Degree Programs.

The college's Vocal Department is chaired by multiple Grammy-award-nominee Tierney Sutton, who helped bring Dorian to the school in 2009. "We are thrilled to have Dorian at the school. His courses will round out our curriculum in a way that prepares singers for the real world situations they are bound to thrive in," says Sutton. The school prides itself on "playing with pros" in almost daily Ensemble Workshops, which prepare students for a career in music upon graduating.

Sutton described the classes in detail, which will be incorporated when the summer quarter kicks off July 5th:

� Stage Presence: designed to erase onstage fear and boost self-confidence, this course is taught by various high profile dancers and choreographers. It will explore performance art yoga, theatrics and dance (no need to be a dancer). The class is designed to help performers lose inhibitions and think outside the box.

� Rehearsal Techniques: this class will help students learn songs efficiently and rehearse effectively. In addition, students will learn to break down a song to its most basic parts and improve memory.

� Showcase: at the end of each school week, performance classes will meet and perform, receive critiques and occasionally perform in the company of special guest judges.

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