
ZZ Top's Message for Chili

ZZ Top is slated to play Santiago, Chile on May 18th. This will be one of the first rock concerts there since the devastating earth quake of February 27th. The members of the ZZ Top are keenly aware of the destruction the quake wrought. They have collectively and individually been in touch with journalists, radio stations and concert promotion staff in anticipation of the performance date.

A video, shot at the residence of guitarist/vocalist Billy F Gibbons, was posted last week. Gibbons is seen bicycling in frame from off screen past a vintage Willys Jeep; he stops his bike, dismounts and addresses ZZ's fans and friends in Chile (in Spanish):

Spanish text:Bueno Compadres, Me llamo Guillermo de la banda ZZ Top. El mundo entero sabe los efectos causuado del terremoto que pas� en tu bello pa�s. Sabemos que el esp�ritu Chileno nunca podr� ser quebracado y ahorita el esp�ritu es m�s fuerte . ZZ estar�n en Santiago el 18 de Mayo en la arena Movistar. Esperamos que puedan reuinirse con ZZ Top para noche especial.

English translation: Hello friends, I'm Billy from the band ZZ Top. The whole world knows about the effects caused by the earthquake that happened in your beautiful country. We know that the Chilean spirit can never be broken and that right now it is stronger than ever. ZZ will be in Santiago on May 18 at the Movistar arena. We hope that you can join us for a special night. - Watch the video here

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