
Killing Time Online Raffle to Benefit Brain Cancer Victims

New York hardcore punk legend, Killing Time, is proud to be working with T.H.E. Brain Trust and Audrey's Umbrella, to help raise money to support individuals living with a brain tumor.

For a small donation of $5.00, fans will be entered to win a Killing Time Three Steps Back Special Bundle Package, which includes one (1) CD and one (1) vinyl copy of our new album, Three Steps Back, as well as a Three Steps Back t-shirt and promotional poster.

The donation period will end on April 21st, and the winner will be contacted via email. Donations are being taken via PayPal at this link, and all proceeds will benefit The Healing Exchange Brain Trust and Audrey's Umbrella.

The mission of T.H.E. Brain Trust is to create a healing exchange of information and support among people affected by neurological disorders including patient-survivors, families, caregivers, health professionals and researchers. Their goal is to provide and improve online communication resources. Through these and other efforts, they are building a global community of people whose lives are affected by brain tumors, brain injuries, and related issues.

Audrey's Umbrella is a support program within The Healing Exchange Brain Trust, designed to bring joy to individuals living with a brain tumor by sending encouraging mail in the form of cheerful cards, friendly letters, and small thoughtful gifts.

For more information about T.H.E. Brain Trust, and Audrey's Umbrella, head to http://www.braintrust.org/index.htm and http://braintrust.org/umbrella.htm.

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