
A Chance To Meet Lady Gaga

Earloomz has launched its line of licensed Bluetooth headsets featuring Lady Gaga and is offering two fans a chance to meet Lady Gaga in Vegas (with purchase). Here is the announcement:

Combined with advanced Bluetooth technology, superior comfort, functionality, and pop culture images and artwork, Earloomz are the stylish extension of one's personality. And who better sets herself apart from the norm to display her individuality and sense of fashion than Lady Gaga?

To celebrate their launch, Earloomz is sending two lucky winners to meet Lady Gaga at her sold-out concert in Las Vegas on August 13, 2010. Prize package includes: airfare, hotel accommodations for each winner and one guest, transportation to and from the airport, and concert venue. The winners will then be invited to an exclusive meet-and-greet with Lady Gaga backstage. Contestants will receive one entry for every Earloomz Bluetooth purchased on www.Earloomz.com before midnight August 10, 2010. - http://www.Earloomz.com

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