
Singled Out: Transmit Now's Let's Go Out Tonight

Welcome to Singled Out! where we ask artists to tell us the inside story of their latest single. Today Transmit Now frontman Andy Brooks tells us about "Let's Go Out Tonight" from their brand new album "Downtown Merry-Go-Round". We now turn it over to Andy for the story:

"Let's Go Out Tonight" is a song I think really helped give our band direction at a time when we were essentially "directionless" and nearly "bandless" to be quite honest. We had been searching for a direction we wanted to take our sound and in the process lost a few members along the way.

It had come to a point when all the remained of our band was our drummer Greg, our guitar player Kevin and Me. We were locked down in our practice space and basically asked ourselves "What are we doing? and what the hell are we trying to achieve here?" "Let's Go Out Tonight" answered that question for us�

I'd been listening to the Bloc Party album "Silent Alarm" on repeat and really loved the dance feel it had. So I sat down with my acoustic guitar in an attempt to write something that had that vibe to it and literally let my fingers do what they wanted to do� what my fingers did was play the opening riff to "Let's Go Out Tonight". Needless to say, I think I failed in my initial quest to write something that had that same Bloc Party vibe BUT what ended up coming out helped to shape the direction of Transmit Now. The opening chord progression and lead riff soon followed, so at that point I felt there was a structure enough to bring the idea to rehearsal.

Something however was still missing and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. After about thirty minutes or so of jamming on the initial ideas, Greg, our drummer, seemingly out of nowhere played a beat that would eventually become the foundation for the pre-chorus�Boom Boom, tap, Boom Boom, Boom Boom (in drummer lingo if you will) and the song was instantly alive!

Spontaneity was the name of the game on this tune, so we just went for it! When it came time to lay down a vocal melody for the chorus, I just stepped up to the microphone, guitar in hand, trying not to screw up the chord progression and sang the words "So let's go out tonight", that was it�"Let's Go Out Tonight" was born into this world!

All of us have a lot of love in our hearts for that song, not just because we're proud of it as a piece of music, but because it really did help our band move forward. It pulled us up by our figurative boot straps and answered the questions "What are we doing? and what the hell are we trying to achieve here?"

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the album - right here!

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