
Join Oceano On Stage

Oceano is giving their fans the chance to get on stage and play with them as part of the Over The Limit tour's Almost Famous contest.

Follow the steps of the contest by July 22nd, 2010 and 3 lucky fans have the chance to win prize packs containing posters, shirts and 2 tickets to their closest Over The Limit tour stop.

1 grand prize winner will be invited up on stage by OCEANO to jam with the band on the song that they covered for the contest. Here are the steps in full:

STEP 1. Make a video covering an OCEANO song on either guitar, vox, or bass, and post it to the official Over The Limit Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Over-The-Limit-Tour/111311112251001?ref=ts

STEP 2. Set the following image to your default MySpace picture (http://earacherecords.com/myspace/overthelimitflyer.jpg), and leave a comment on the tour's MySpace page that says, "I WANT TO BE ALMOST FAMOUS!"

STEP 3. Like the Over the Limit Facebook Page and @tag the Over the Limit Tour page in the following Facebook status: "Catch the Over the Limit Tour this summer! www.myspace.com/overthelimittour"

STEP 4. Follow @overthelimit10 on Twitter.com and send the following tweet: "RT I WANT TO BE #ALMOSTFAMOUS ON THE @OVERTHELIMIT10 TOUR! MYSPACE.COM/OVERTHELIMITTOUR"

no purchase necessary to enter. contest ends 7/21/2010 12:00PM EST. no prize substitution. grand prize winner must be able to attend a show in order to claim prize.

For more info, go to http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=58874695&blogId=537027700#ixzz0tbOg8DrM

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