
Roger Waters Permits Lyrics To Pink Floyd Classic To Be Changed

(Gibson) Pink Floyd bassist, singer and songwriter Roger Waters has given a Canadian band permission to re-record his former band's hit, "Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2" with different lyrics, according to the Associated Press.

The Toronto-based group, Blurred Vision, is intending their cover to be an anthem for young Iranians. They've changed the famous "Hey, teacher�" line to "Hey, Ayatollah, leave those kids alone!" Blurred Vision is fronted by two brothers � named Sepp and Sohl � who are Iranian exiles. They keep their last names a secret because of fear of retaliation against family members who still live in their home country. It is illegal to play rock music in Iran.

In a statement, Waters said he supports any fight against oppression. He feels that Blurred Vision is a big part of "the resistance to a regime that is both repressive and brutal." He added, "I applauded and supported the resistance of schoolchildren in South Africa to that repressive and brutal regime." - more on this story

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