
Courtney Oppressed By Love

Ace Show Biz reports that Courtney Love is ditching her most famous moniker in favor of Courtney Michelle Harrison because she feels "oppressed" by her stage name.

That's not all, Rock Radio had this: Courtney Love doesn't want to talk about Kurt Cobain any longer. She wants to consign her two-year marriage with the tragic Nirvana star to the past, and she's even changing her stage name in a bid to shake off the demons of history.

Love, now to be known by her real name of Courtney Michelle, has made her feelings known as the UK club where she and Cobain are said to have become engaged announces its closure. She tells the NME: "I am not his spokesperson on Earth. I don't know what he'd be like now. He could be into society girls, or fat girls, or he could be homosexual. We don't know � he died at 27." - more on this story

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