
Scotland Barr & the Slow Drags' Frontman Loses Cancer Battle

(PR) Scotland Barr & the Slow Drags' front man Scott Barr Moritz has passed away stemming from complications due to pancreatic cancer. He will forever be remembered for his two loves: music and food.

As an acclaimed singer/songwriter, he worked tirelessly at his craft developing melodies and writing lyrics, never resting until he felt they were complete.

As an exceptional foodie, he co-founded Salvador Molly's Restaurant, and created the renowned Secret Aardvark habanero hot sauce; Secret Aardvark's fans are legion and the sauce can be found on the majority of Portland's restaurant tables.

Friends and family of the band greatly appreciate all your support over the past year and consider it a gift that we all could share this time with Scott. - http://www.scotlandbarr.com

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