
Ace Takes High Road In War Of Words With KISS

(Rock Radio) Former Kiss guitarist Ace Frehley won't join the slagging match restarted by Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley last week, even though he thinks the band's 1990s reunion was as bad as they're saying it was.

Simmons and Stanley last week explained that while the original lineup put the makeup back on in 1996 to great acclaim at first, the experience turned nasty after a time. Drummer Peter Criss left again in 2001 and Frehley's contract expired the following year. Although they stopped short of naming Frehley and Criss, the remaining pair were explicit in apportioning blame. Stanley called them "delusional about their songwriting and musical abilities" while Simmons said: "When you defile Kiss you should be thrown out."

But Frehley, talking to Stop Smiling magazine, is happy to talk about Simmons and Stanley. And while he agrees with their analysis of the reunion, he doesn't blame them, and he still regards them as friends. "Originally it was put together in the spirit of all doing it together. Next thing I know, I'm feeling like a hired gun and I don't have any say in anything. That's not fun. The four of us invented Kiss but it wasn't like the old days � pretty much everyone went their own way." - He goes into more detail about what he felt went wrong and who was to blame

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