
Fire Causes AthFest Venue Shuffle

(PR) Due to the fire that took place at the Georgia Theatre on Friday June 19, the shows that were scheduled at the venue for this year�s AthFest have been moved to the historic Morton Theatre just around the corner on Washington Street in downtown Athens, GA.

The Georgia Theatre was one of 17 music venues participating in the highly acclaimed annual music and arts festival. All the bands that were scheduled to perform at the Georgia Theatre will perform on the same scheduled evening. The line-up and set times may be found at: www.athfest.com.

AthFest will kick off at 5:00 PM on Friday, June 26, 2009 and will be held rain or shine. AthFest is a community event so public safety is a big concern. In the event of dangerous rain, lightning, wind, or other weather conditions, there may be delays, venue changes, and/or performer cancellations on the three outdoor stages. AthFest staff will be monitoring weather conditions using internet weather forecasting sites to make decisions about the safety of performers and the public in the outdoor stage areas. The decision to stop, delay, cancel or move a performance due to weather conditions will be made by the Director with input from the stage technical directors.

There are two rain locations for the AthFest outdoor stages for 2009: The Morton Theatre and The 40 Watt Club. In the event of rain as many of the bands that can be accommodated from the Main Stage will play inside The 40 Watt Club. Bands from the second stage and KidsFest stage will move into the Morton Theatre. The evening�s Club Crawl in the downtown venues will be held rain or shine. The wristbands for the Club Crawl will still be valid and are non-refundable.

AthFest, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. The mission of AthFest is to educate citizens and visitors about the music and arts scene of Athens, GA. Since 1997, AthFest has showcased the incredible musicians, artists, businesses and residents of the Athens community. In addition live music, this family-friendly festival also includes a juried artisan market, KIDSFest, and much more. From 2005-2009, ATHFEST has been included in the �TOP 20 Events for June� by the Southeast Tourism Society.

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