
For Lily Allen Father Knows Best: Shut Up!

For Lily Allen Father Knows Best: Shut Up! was a top pop story in Jan 2009. Here it is again as we recap 2009: Father knows best. This golden rule is one that Lily Allen should take to heart as her recent string of controversial comments has prompted her father to go on record with advise that his daughter needs to learn when to shut up. Angry Ape has the report:

Speaking to Spin magazine, actor Keith Allen admitted that fame was unfairly different for a man than a woman: "As a man, I could drink, snort and f*** to my heart's content without any detriment to my career. A girl cannot do that."

He later spoke about Lily's 'tell all' personality, which leads the singer constantly revealing about her personal life. "I don't mind saying this, because I've told her already: she needs to know when to f***ing shut up." - more on this story

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