
Axl in Velvet Revolver? Yeah Right - A Top Story This Week

Axl in Velvet Revolver? Yeah Right was a top story for this week. Here it is again: (antiMusic) This is an interesting way to plug an interview. Check out this promo from MusicRadar: "I heard that too. Yeah right. Anyway..." That was Slash's reaction to the news of MusicRadar's recent poll that found fans want Axl Rose to join Velvet Revolver.

Slash took time out to speak with MusicRadar to coincide with his latest signature Gibson and Epiphone six-strings being unleashed on the world. And Slash loves Les Pauls. That's for sure: "I've got somewhere between 80 and 90 guitars and I'd say 75 percent of them are Les Pauls. It's ridiculous � but they all have a unique purpose."

Visit MusicRadar on Wed (interview not up at press time but keep checking) to get the skinny on everything from his forthcoming solo album, to how he's been affected by the European smoking ban, to his favorite hat-wearing rock stars. - http://www.musicradar.com/

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