
KISS Blame Fans For Industry Woes - A Top Story This Week

KISS Blame Fans For Industry Woes was a top story for this week. Here it is again: (antiMusic) During a week that an album debuts at the top of the charts having sold a million copies, Professor Gene Simmons of KISS blames fans for the current state of the music industry, not the stupid decisions of the industry.

XFM spoke with Gene as part of the Download Festival last weekend and he seems to think that the reason people no longer buy KISS records is because of downloads and not the fact that their last two original album's weren't that great and fans weren't interested in buying the dozen or so "same songs, different cover" hits packages they've been foisting on the public since their big reunion over a decade ago. We won't even go into that solo album.

Here is what Gene told XFM, "In all seriousness - and it's unfortunate - but the record industry is dead; it's six feet under the ground and unfortunately, the fans have done this. They've decided to download and file share and there's no record industry around. We're gonna wait till everyone settles down and becomes civilized and as soon as the record industry pops its head then we'll record new material."

Gene should know that if you give people something worth buying, they will buy it. Give em' crap and they won't waste their money. - Read the XFM article

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