
Marrow Sets Depressing Release - A Top Story This Week

Marrow Sets Depressing Release was a top story for this week. Here it is again: (PR) Marrow's debut CD, 'Quiet Desperation,' is scheduled for release on September 16, 2008, with regional east and west coast US tours in August through September 2008 already scheduled.

The launch of 'Quiet Desperation' will be backed by an aggressive viral video internet campaign touting Marrow's endorsement from a fictitious, and ludicrous, 'foundation for unhappiness enhancement,' "The Society for the Advancement of Despair," (SAD), whose tagline is 'Bliss is Ignorance.'

In an endeavor to skewer the notion that all people must adopt and maintain a constant state of forced happiness and serenity to lead fulfilling lives, 'The Society for the Advancement of Despair' wants you to be left alone to wallow in your sadness in order to explore the depths of your discontentment, because it feels good to feel bad. Marrow's 'Quiet Desperation,' already the self-proclaimed 'feel bad album of the year,' is "the prescription for your pain", that will help the listener embrace their well-earned sadness. - more on this story

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