
Fallen Idol Show

(Rikki Dixx) Fox has reportedly greenlighted a new realty program for next year that will feature former American Idol contestants coming to grips with losing their record deals and instant fame.

We're told the pilot episode features a heart wrenching segment that shows a former Idol winner on a tour of retirement homes made a fateful stop at a Burger King, where he ran into another former contestant working the cash register.

They had a tearful reunion and the winner invited the loser to perform with him that evening at the Viagra Village Retirement Community where they received a standing ovation that was cut short when a 93 year-old woman clapped so hard that she fell and broke her hip.

The series has not yet been named, but it is rumored that Fox's naming committee is leaning towards "When Idols Get Sacked". - more on this story

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