
An Inconvenient Wager Led To Nobel Prize?

(Dolly Doppelganger) A Spokesman speaking on the condition of anonymity confided to an undercover antiMusic reporter today that Al Gore didn't really win anything, other than poker game the night before against Ole Danbolt Mjoes, chairman of the Nobel Prize committee.

The embarrassed source revealed "...that fool was so drunk he also 'awarded' the prostitute who popped out of the cake a Nobel Prize in Economics. We were all so wasted it seemed funny at the time- we all knew Ole was kidding, but that Al!...He was so gullible, we hated to tell him the truth, that the joke was on him!' Interestingly, it was only the hooker's inability to understand Ole DM's Norwegian that kept her from pocketing the million dollar prize that fateful day in Oct 2007.

The source went on to reveal that Gore was so blind drunk, that all the other card players, also members of the prize committee, thought he'd forget all about it. So when he called the next day for help in navigating the tricky waters of international tux rentals, committee members realized they had a problem! So they decided to give him the award, disappointing the runners up & leading to at least one suicide & one defection. Over the coming years, the Nobel Prize Committee plans to steer the prizes back toward more worthy winners,. Nominations can be submitted online at howzmyprizing.com - more on this story

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