
Site Exposes Artist Rip Offs

(antiMusic) We get all kinds of emails from bloggers and website owners telling how great their site is and asking us to tell you, our readers, about them. Now if we did this with everyone, we wouldn't have room for real news but every once in a while a site doesn't come up that is worthy of the extra attention. So today we tell you about thecopycat.biz, a site devoted to exposing artists that rip off other artists and a quick browse of the site is indeed eye opening.

The obvious one is the recent flap over Rihanna's apparent rip off of New Order's 'Blue Monday' with her track 'Shut up and drive'. They point out that "The suspicious thing, U might not know about, is that 'shut up Rihanna and drive away' is the only track on the album's list with no credits (sic!)." Something we didn't know as your as likely to find a Rihanna CD at antiMusic as a working microphone at a Britney Spears concert.

Seems this wasn't the only song that Rihanna has supposedly lifted from another artist. The funny thing is they seemed to have found another artist, the much hyped J Holiday ripping off Rihanna's rip off of a Cranberries song. That's only the tip of the iceberg, you'll be surprised as some of their findings. Check out the site and learn more about musical copycats - right here

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