
The Shake Are Coming

(PR) May 15 is the red-letter day when New York City�s latest rock-throne contenders THE SHAKE will release Kick It, their debut album on Unicycle Records. If advance reaction is any indication, this band is sure to garner lots of positive media attention. All not yet 21, four area college students have managed to hone their musical craft and amass a loyal fan base while still pursuing their studies at Columbia, NYU, and Queens College.

THE SHAKE counts several of the original �British invasion� bands among their influences. Parallels to the Yardbirds, the Small Faces and the early Rolling Stones are apparent in many of their songs. But what give THE SHAKE their versatility are the individual band members� varied influences. Merkin cites BritRock acts like Oasis and the Kinks while Shapiro prefers the classic rock styling of Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin, and guitar greats Muddy Waters and Elmore James. Stein revels in old-school punk like the Ramones and early Green Day, while McNellis is a Jazz connoisseur. When you add all this together and mix it with their youthful enthusiasm, the result is the unique sound that is THE SHAKE.

Virtually all of the songs were recorded without tracking. Shapiro feels �tracking is almost soulless. Mistakes are honest. The details are in the mistakes and we wanted to keep the album as real and as pure as possible.� That�s also why the band opted to stay away from a clicktrack, because �it gave us that �you are on heroin feel'.�

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