
Indie Rock Incest

(PR) Members of Bright Eyes, Azure Ray, Tilly & the Wall, Now It�s Overhead, the Faint and Others Guest on Coyote Bones� Debut, Gentleman On The Rocks, Band Heads Out for Spring Tour. When you have been a touring musician as long as David Matysiak has, coming from a scene that boasts bands like the Black Lips and Deerhunter, only to finally settle down in a city whose hometown heroes include Bright Eyes, Tilly & the Wall, and Cursive, among others, indie rock incest is bound to occur at some point. Matysiak has recently proven that he prefers to keep his fingers in a number pies at once. In the past two years, the former leader of Atlanta/Athens band Jet by Day (Kindercore, Future Farmer) and current front-man of one of Omaha�s newest super-groups, has in one way or another lent a hand to friends Tilly and the Wall, Tilly side-project Flowers Forever, David Dondero, and Lightspeed Champion. In return, most of them have contributed to Matysiak�s most recent endeavor, Coyote Bones. The end result, which bears the title Gentleman On The Rocks, comes out sounding like one of the most comprehensive, genre-crossing collaborations between a handful of the most promising young musicians of our generation. After hearing the Depeche Mode-eque synth of �Grand Eclipse�, the apocalyptic feel of �Living Breathing Demons�, the nostalgic ballad �39 Forever�, and the political rant �Your War�, one will realize that Gentleman On The Rocks has a little something to satisfy just about anyone�s tastes.

To avoid name-dropping when talking about the Omaha music scene is virtually impossible and the same holds true when considering what went into recording the Coyote Bones debut. Kianna Alarid, Neely Jenkins, and Derek Pressnall of Tilly and the Wall sing back up on the tracks �Living Breathing Demons�, �Fated to Fail�, and �Arlington Curse�. Tilly bassist and Matysiak�s Jet by Day band-mate and multi-instrumentalist Mason Brown played bass, keys, and second guitar on the record and is a part time member of the Bones. Adrianne Verhoeven (The Anniversary, Neva Dinova, Art in Manila, Flowers Forever) recently became a full time member of the band. Dev Haynes (Test Icicles, Lightspeed Champion) appears in the video for �Living Breathing Demons�, as does Kianna. The video was recorded in one take in Matysiak�s Omaha basement and was recorded by Nik Fackler, who is known for his work with Bright Eyes, The Faint, The Good Life, Azure Ray, The Elected, Tilly and the Wall, etc. Omaha musicians Chris Rivera and Dan Krueger act as the Bones� touring drummer and bassist respectively, and Little Brazil�s Greg Edds plays second guitar when Mason is in Atlanta or on tour with Tilly & the Wall. If that isn�t enough to give Coyote Bones� debut cred, Maria Taylor (Azure Ray, Art in Manila) and Orenda Fink (Azure Ray), Andy LeMaster and Clay Leverett (Now It�s Overhead), Nick White (Tilly & the Wall, Bright Eyes), Dan McCarthy (Bright Eyes, McCarthy Trenching), Ryan Fox (the Good Life) , Joel Peterson and Jacob Thiele (the Faint), and Matt Baum (Desaparacidos) also paid their respects in the way of contributing their various talents to the recording of Gentleman On The Rocks.


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