
Yahoo Drops Google

02-19-04 Keavin
Yahoo! Inc., has decided to drop the use of Google for their web search results. This news comes as Google announces that they just increased their web index by over a billion pages. 

Yahoo! Decided to replace the Google web index with their own built with customized software based on the code from Inktomi Corp�s search engine software. Yahoo! acquired Inktomi Corp last year. 

The once dominate player in web searching, Yahoo!�s lead has been usurped by Google. 

Google increased their web index by a third this past week. The Google index now includes 4.28 billion web pages, up from 3.3 billion. They have also expanded their image index to include 880 million images and their Usenet message index how holds 845 million messages. This comes as Google gears up for an expected initial public offering. 

Yahoo! also plans to roll out paid inclusion advertising, according to SearchEngineWatch.com. It is believed that the paid inclusion advertising is based on the paid inclusion program already used by Inktomi customers like Ask Jeeves and the FAST search engine.    .
