
antiTainment NEWS: Paul Newman � 'Don�t Have A Drink On Me'

04-24-04 Keavin
Actor Paul Newman is asking students at Princeton University not to have a drink on him. Last week Newman�s lawyer sent a letter to the University asking them to end a campus tradition named after him where students try to drink a beer an hour for 24 hours on April 24th of each year. 

The tradition was dubbed Newman�s Day and the tradition reportedly comes from a quote attributed to Newman, "Twenty-four beers in a case, 24 hours in a day. Coincidence? I think not." Newman�s attorney says that his client never uttered those words. 

"Mr. Newman is disturbed by the use of his name in conjunction with this alcohol-related event, and he would like to bring an end to this tradition," reads a letter sent to the University by his attorney Leo Nevas. 

Newman is reportedly upset about the tradition, especially since his son, Scott Newman, died of a drug overdose in 1978. For the past 25 years, Newman has done what he could to help battle drug abuse and even started a center to fight substance abuse in his son Scott�s name. 

The university says that is does not sanction the tradition and does what it can to discourage it, especially since Newman�s Day coincides with the weekend that prospective students visit the campus. 

Update: We received the following information via email - The quote "24 beers in a case, 24 hours in a day, etc. ", originally came from the Willy n Ethel  comic strip.  The gag is from the late 80s.  Willy 'n Ethel is done by Joe Martin, who also does Mr. Boffo. 
