
Alice Cooper Calls for 9/11 Celebration

09-14-03 Keavin
Legendary rocker Alice Cooper feels the best way for Americans to beat the terrorists that attacked the United States on 9/11/01 is for Americans, especially residents of New York City and Washington D.C., to have a good time on the anniversary of the attacks. 

Cooper spoke with Yahoo�s Launch media, just prior to the second anniversary of the attacks last Thursday. 

Cooper�s comments have been interpreted by some, as the singer calling for a new 9/11 holiday, where Americans will celebrate our nation. But he doesn�t exactly spell that out in his remarks.

"You know, I would do everything--I would make that as all-American as the Fourth Of July," Cooper said. "I would do everything that the al-Qaida tries to destroy about us. The whole idea behind the al-Qaida was to upset our financial situation, to make us feel uneasy, to make us feel, sort of to make us feel vulnerable."

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