
Kelly Osbourne and Christina Aguilera Battle During MTV Awards

11-07-03 Keavin
The MTV music awards Europe was host to the latest round in the ongoing battle between Kelly Osbourne and Christina Aguilera. The ongoing feud played out to viewers before and during the awards ceremony. 

MTV described the evening's interplay between Osbourne and Aguilera as fierce and catty and it all started before the show even began. Osbourne was acting as a guest VJ for the event, �working� the red carpet as stars arrived. Aguilera refused to walk the carpet unless Osbourne was removed. Kelly shot back with an on-air gab at Aguilera calling the top selling pop singer a �cow� and calling her music �crap", thus validating the school age taunt �takes one to know one�. 

In what makes the entire �feud� appear staged, Aguilera later performed a skit during the airing of the show in which she was shown throwing darts at a photo of Kelly. Kelly verbally struck back when she was onstage presenting an award by saying "If Christina Aguilera has to resort to throwing darts at my head after everything she's achieved and everything she's done, then she's a really sad, sorry person. And I take it as a complete compliment." 

Aguilera got the last word when reproached Osbourne with this retort, "Honey, if you can dish it out, you've got to learn how to take it back."

So once again Kelly manages to gain headlines with her antics. Now if only that kind of notoriety would translate into record sales.  Tick, tock, the clock is winding down on Ms. Osbourne�s 15 minutes of fame. But at least she managed to give viewers of the MTV music awards Europe something entertaining to watch. 

However, the fireworks between Kelly and Christina and event he infamous Madonna kissing incident were overshadowed when Travis produced a line of nude protesters during their performance. According to MTV�s report the protesters walked onstage during the performance with signs covering up their private parts but lifted the signs at the finale of the song. 

Not to be outdone, towards the end of the broadcast, Christina Aguilera took a book out of Mel Brooks� History of the World -- Part I when according to MTV she �marched a line of men in kilts onstage and asked them lift their outfits to display their wares so she could decide who to take to the party after the show.�

What will MTV plan for their next awards show? Perhaps they can have the shock rock group Hell On Earth actually produce an on-stage suicide. 

Entertainment at it�s lowest has once again graced the MTV airwaves. 

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