Brand New Sin - Recipe for Disaster Review
by Kevin Wierzbicki

If the Hell's Angels had a band, they might sound a little like Brand New Sin. When it comes to mystique, these hard rockers easily compare to the outlaw motorcycle gang. They are as loud as a hundred Harley's on a midnight run. They are as hard as the chain-link that cracks your skull open. And pity the fool that steps between them and their boozy pursuit of endless good times. Fortunately, Brand New Sin do their ass-kicking sonically, so you won't have to lose any teeth when you get stomped.

While the whole band certainly whips up a thunder, most of the above stated aura comes from singer Joe Altier. Altier has a no-nonsense growl that grabs the jugular and doesn't let go until his case is made. His back-up includes two guitarists, bass and drums; a well-oiled unit that rumbles along with a generous dose of southern-rock'n'roll, sort of a Molly Hatchet on steroids. The band obviously covets the era when southern-rock ruled and gives nods to Blackfoot ("Black and Blue") and Lynyrd Skynyrd ("Once in a Lifetime") along with the title reference to Molly Hatchet's Flirtin' With Disaster. And while Hatchet and Skynyrd are still around in one form or another living on their laurels (god blessum) it's nice to hear that Brand New Sin has picked up the torch and are running like hell.

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Brand New Sin - Recipe for Disaster

Label:Century Media

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