This column is dedicated to retiring Professor Of Communications at Concord College (and the biggest supporter/advocate of Free Speech that I�ve ever met); Dr. Ronald Burgher. Thank you for years of inspiration, education and (most important of all) being a friend. {Begin Transmission}: I�m back. Yes, after almost 2 months of deep cover work, languishing in my own private hell of Bad Paranoia trying to find meaning in all the worlds insanity (both inside the world of music and outside it), I have returned to bring you The Wisdom. The Knowledge, as it were. This column marks the 3 year anniversary of my debut here on antiMUSIC and I�d like to think that in that time I have proven one thing: I am a STRONG supporter and believer in a person�s RIGHT to Free Speech. To me, this RIGHT is the MOST important Freedom we have. But, it would seem that in today�s world of Fear, Loathing, Bad Paranoia, War and Terrorism this right is being tossed aside and the Weasels are holding the open minded and freethinking over a barbecue pit. A joke with a biblical reference, sickening thoughts kept in ones own journal and an opinion on Marijuana laws are all examples of this nations current, seeming, obsession with stomping out speech that They don�t agree with. They is a big and powerful force without a real name or a real face, but it has overtaken our daily lives. Seems the only way once can speak his mind or have an opinion most would consider �bad� is in the privacy of his or her own MIND. But, I imagine it won�t be long till John Ashcroft and his Crew find a way to invade even THAT. Ok, I�m rambling. Let us cut to the heart of this thing, we�ll do it one by one. 1)A Joke With A Biblical Reference Richard Humphreys was a man who just wanted a beer. So, he stopped off at his local bar in Sioux Falls, South Dakota to do just that. While doing this, he struck up a conversation with a truck driver who was at the bar. During the course of his conversation, the Bartender that called the Gustapo, er, Police said that he overheard Humphreys speak about a �burning Bush.� and the possibility of someone pouring a flamable liquid on George W. Bush and lighting it. Remembering that Prez Bush was scheduled to visit Sioux Falls the next day, The Bartender called the Police and Humphreys was ARREASTED for THREATENING THE PRESIDENT. At his trial, Humphreys said; �I said God might speak to the world through a burning Bush.� Humphreys was sentenced to more than THREE YEARS in PRISION. He is currently appealing on the basis that his comment was protected by the First Amendment. 2)Sickening Thoughts Kept In One�s Own
3)An Opinion On Marijuana
So, ok, we have THREE examples of Free Speech. And three examples of men going to JAIL for exercising their right to such. Now, whether or not you agree with any or all of these is beside the point (For the record, I think the guy in example number 2 is very SICK and in need of some serious help), what is important is that these men brought NO harm to anyone by either thinking or speaking their Opinion or Fantasies. But, I guess they brought harm to feelings of those In Charge and that�s all that matters. Speak a dissenting opinion, protest a War, advocate Marijuana, crack a joke, piss off the New Gestapo and off to jail you go. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. It�s the NEW America. �Land of the Scared, Home of the Quiet� at least that�s how it seems that THEY want it to be. Hell, at this rate, the First Amendment will get abolished before that outdated piece of law known as the Second Amendment. But that, friends, is another rant for another day. {End Transmission}
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