
Dr. Fever
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1 Year Later....Still Bitching!

{Begin Transmission}:

My oh my, how time flies when you're bitching. One year ago this month, I submitted my first rant to antiMUSIC. How I ended up writing this column is something of a funny story. I stumbled across this site while using a search engine (I couldn't even tell you what I was looking for..), when I got here, I found quite an interesting story "Pantera v/s N Sync". Well, it seems my views on Pantera (and all 'real' musicians around the globe) was enough to impress someone at antiMUSIC and, viola, here I am.

I've learned a lot in the last year; the biggest lesson I've learned is just how fickle the average music fan is. I mean, in the last year I've openly supported Metallica, openly despised Fred Durst and MTV, and came out and declared that we need a new Nirvana. I've also learned that you can really piss people off when you tell them that (for the most part) originality is dead. Think about it-it's all been done folks. I remember a time when pierced tongues where reserved for only biker chicks, now, every little semi-cute girl in the world has one it seems. But enough about that..I think I've already covered that subject once.

Also, in the last year, I became a Vice Presidential candidate. Now, I still feel myself and antiGUY didn't get the recognition he and I deserve, but don't worry kids, 2004 is just around the corner and believe me, by that time, ol Dubya will have dug himself such a deep hole that me and aG won't have any problem getting the nomination. Consider yourselves warned.
Also, in the last year, I realized one of my dreams (thanks to the folks here at antiMUSIC), I FINALLY got to see Metallica. Hell I saw 'em twice, once with James Hetfield, once without him. I also had the chance to see 'God' and 'Jesus' (Phil Anselmo and Max Cavalera) on the same stage, but alas, thanks to a bitch of a blizzard that wrapped its claws around the east coast that one didn't get to happen..oh well, nothing can be perfect I suppose.

Anyway, this month isn't really a rant per se, I just wanted to reflect and make a pledge to all of you; I promise that I will continue to be just as pissed off and just as irritated at today's music and popular culture, and I promise that I'll try my best to entertain you all.

In closing, I'd like to thank everyone of you who ever read my rants and took the time to post your comments. And, I'd also like to thank antiGUY and everyone else at antiMUSIC for giving me the chance to have a little fun every month. Oh, and one last thing...


{End Transmission}

Questions, Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should be emailed to:  PureRockFury@antimusic.net

Visit At a Fever Pitch to read Dr Fever's take on life and culture.