Dr. Fever
{Begin Transmission}: After taking sometime away from the computer to sip rum and read a Hunter S. Thompson book ('Rum Diaries' is indeed a fine book to read in the summer months while, in fact, sipping rum), I also found myself thumbing through my local newspaper, it was during this exercise that I found my inspiration for this month. A week or so ago, I ran across a news blurb about Courtney Love taking Krist Noveselic and Dave Grohl to court. Why is she doing this you ask? Well, it all has to do with a previously unreleased Nirvana song that is scheduled to appear on the long rumored and even longer awaited Nirvana Box Set (set for release as of this writing for late October of this year to commemorate the 10 anniversary of 'Nevermind'). The heart of this thing not only lies in this unreleased song, but also (as Noveselic and Grohls' attorney said) for control of Nirvana. Now, it's a well-known FACT that I despise Courtney Love. Always have, always will. I have always held her at least somewhat responsible for Kurt�s death, call it denial (for all you purists who believe, in fact, Kurt took his own life) but the blame was always easy for me to place on Courtney, not on one of my musical heroes. In recent years, my anger over Kurt�s death has been replaced with the outright disgust over Loves' iron grip on all things Nirvana. Think about it..why have we never seen a "Behind The Music" for Nirvana?? We haven't had this joy because Love flat out refuses to license anything, which is kinda a necessity. Sure, it'd still be fun to see Dave and Krist and countless others line up to go over the finer points of Nirvana..but who'd wanna do it listening to some cheesy studio band providing the music instead of listening to, say, "Love Buzz". But I�m staying off topic...at any rate, Loves' central argument is that not including this new song, which was played live once in Rome at the end of the 'In Utero' tour, mere months before Cobain�s death, will NOT affect overall sales of the box set. Excuse me?? Who gives a flying rats ass about sales Courtney!! Krist and Dave have busted there asses over the last couple years compiling this Box Set so that the fans, the TRUE fans, of Nirvana would be able to have some sort of definitive closure to the that era in their lives. Granted, this thing'll sell like a beast, but that's secondary. God knows Dave Grohl doesn't need the money; he's doing just fine with that side project of his that he calls The Foo Fighters. Krist on the other hand, well, I don't think he give a damn either, he should be doing just fine with the royalty checks from "Nevermind" and "In Utero" (not to mention "Muddy Banks of Wishkah", "Unplugged", "Bleach" and "Incesticide"). So, again, the evil spectra of Courtney Love rears its ugly head to piss on the memory of her late, great husband. Think about it, Love is obviously showing that she doesn't give a damn about Kurt�s fans, why should she? I mean, the woman built a career off of the grief she received when Kurt died, so why should she care if a few million flannel shirt wearing devotees are pissed that they might not be able to hear their heroes last work. She's still gonna be paid regardless. The question this begs to me is, how can she look into the eyes of her daughter (you know, the one she had with Kurt) and not feel some kinda remorse for pissing on her father�s memory? Well the answer to this lies somewhere in the bowels of Courtney Loves soul, a place NONE OF US would ever want to go..assuming she has one that is. I tell you this though, come October, I�ll
be lined up with the rest of my fellow Nirvana fans to buy this thing regardless
of whether or not the new song is on it. But, it'd be damn great if it
were. Here's hoping that justice will prevail and the good guys (Noveselic
and Grohl) walk away with what should RIGHTFULLY be theirs...control of
the band they devoted so much of their lives too. Then, and only then,
can Kurt�s soul rest in peace. But, I�m sure that Courtney would take someone
to court over control of that THAT as well.
{End Transmission} |
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