
Dr. Fever
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Great White Hope? Or Is It Hype?

{Begin Transmission}: So, I sit here in �The Lab�, trying to come up with something to write about. Chained to this damn computer. The alcohol is almost gone. Same for the smokes. But, more important, I suffer from writers block. So, I began to search the web, TV, ANYTHING for inspiration. Then two important points combine into one cohesive idea. One, antiGUY�s opinion that I need to expand on my hip hop ramble, the other; something I saw on VH1.

Lately, Mr. Marshall Mathers has seen a LOT of TV time. You know Mr. Mathers..aka Eminem, aka Slim Shady. Sad thing is, he�s on TV more for what he does outside of his music than he is for what he does in his music. Which, to me is sad. Let�s see, there is his beef with Insane Clown Posse and the infamous night outside a Detroit club, there�s the ongoing battle with his on again, off again wife (and subject of one of his strongest songs ever), Kim. But, then of course, there is the unrelenting bulls*** he catches from groups like GLADD. Listen, don�t misunderstand what I�m saying, I don�t have a problem with groups like GLADD and I don�t support, encourage or agree with hate crimes based on chosen sexuality (which, by the way, is this millenniums segregation). BUT, to say that Eminem is and can be directly responsible for hate crimes, which is what GLADD (and others) are doing in effect, is no better than the act that they accuse Eminem of doing. They are, in fact, promoting hate of nothing more than a artist who crafts fantasy worlds on record. Which is also wrong.

Basically, what I�m saying is this. First, anyone who thinks Eminem is EXACTLY like the �character� he portrays in songs is flawed. Secondly, anyone (from pre-teen on up the scale) hero worships Eminem so much that they would go and re-create the images put across on the album is EXTREMELY disturbed. But, isn�t that the �in vogue� thing for parents and such to do these days? �Hmm..what to do, what to do. Little Johnny just went out and beat a gay guy with a pipe. But why? I mean surely I�m not a bad parent?? No, No!! That�s not it, I know, he listens to that Eminem guy i keep hearing about on CNN that MUST be the reason, yeah, it has nothing to do with me and his mother..or the way he was brought up..no..nothing at all.� Granted, that is just a hypothetical line of thinking I cooked up myself, but, sadly it is the TRUTH. The actual way parents think. Blame something else, don�t blame themselves. Same goes for parents who blame rock, video games, movies, etc. Eminem is just the current whipping boy of the minute, and thanks to this, he just sold at least a couple thousand albums in the time it took me to type this. 

Of course, that�s just my opinion, I could be wrong. {End Transmission}

Questions, Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should be emailed to:  PureRockFury@antimusic.net

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