{Begin Transmission}: So, here I am at the lab. My personal life has falling into some completely warped episode of "General Hospital", i'm broke, the cigarettes are almost gone and i'm pissed. Now, It must be said, i'm more pissed at the things going on in my life (it's driving me to the brink of rational thought and sanity), but I am honestly pissed at the current developments involving a dead girl, two morons, some parents and Slayer. I don't know why this pisses me off, I mean it has become so common place in American society to blame our problems on EVERYTHING else but ourselves. This is no different, and it just continues the long, sick tradition of such. Buy now, we've heard the
story about Slayer. They're being sued because some dumbass parents think
THEY are to blame for this tragedy. Which, as anyone who is; A-a rational
person OR B-NOT a lawyer knows, this is not the case and not the
truth. This is just a case of some slimy lawyers and distraught parents
trying to drown their sorrows in the be all end all cure of the moment
(well, the cure of all time)-Money. Money makes the pain go away, or so
the line of thinking seems to go. Again, this is just another example of
the sad history.
I have a suggestion, if we're gonna sue, let's do this s*** right..I suggest the following. 1. Anyone alive in the 70's sue Steve Rubel and the others involved in Studio 54 (for those that don't know, Studio 54 is by far the most notorious night club of all time). I mean, if you go along with the current line of thought, Studio 54 is responsible for homosexuality, AIDS, bad clothes, promiscuous sex and the Bee Gees. The Bee Gees!!?!? Jesus! We should sue for that reason alone! 2. Someone sue Eminem and Fred Durst for making it in vouge for suburban white boys to walk around in baggy clothes, wearing backwards baseball caps thinking they are 'thugs from the ghetto'. I personally would get involved in this law suit because I would like to walk across campus, or though the mall, without having to see an a disciple of this line of thought. 3. Find out whoever invented the whole Goth thing and sue the f*** outta them! But, Goth kids do amuse me. Apparently the irony is lost on them that while they walk around dressed in black, wearing eye make up and trying daily to be more and more pale while claiming to be so "different, original and unlike everyone else" that they are, in fact, JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER f***ING GOTH KID WALKING ON THE PLANET!! This brings me humor. But still, we should sue! In conclusion, to the humor
is that we're so busy trying to figure out what went wrong with kids, what
made them do these bad things that we find ourselves looking in the wrong
places. And, even more disturbing than THAT is the fact that it's become
almost passé to even remember the principles involved in these tragedies.
Example (best example that is), everyone remembers that the Columbine murders
were blamed on Marylin Manson, Rammstein, etc. BUT, who remembers the names
of the two depraved f***s who actually went on this Kill Crazy Rampage???
Honestly, do you? Without looking it up on CNN.com or some search engine,
can you honestly remember they're names? What about any of the victims
names?? I know 95% of you don't. To prove this fact, I did an impromptu
survey earlier today. Between classes, after my last class was over and
at dinner I asked five different people with nothing in common other than
friendship with me if they could name the two musicians most often linked
as the reason behind the Columbine murders, then, I asked them to actually
name the two killers. All five correctly said Manson and Rammstein...only
knew the names of the killers, and he could only remember first names.
{End Transmission} Questions,
Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should
be emailed to: PureRockFury@antimusic.net
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