
Dr. Fever
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The Greatest Travesty Of All Time

{Begin Transmission}:
Here I am, back in the lab, trying to come up with what to write about, my damn monthly bouts of writers block are really starting to get annoying. Trying to come up with fresh topic is also becoming quite the pain too. But, I finally became inspired when I went to, of all places, my March rant.

In case you haven�t noticed, recently, there has been a banner on the bottom of all my rants. Free The West Memphis Three it says. Ladies and Gentlemen, I submit that the ongoing jailing of the West Memphis Three is by far the greatest travesty ever!! The longer that these three men waste away in a damn jail cell, the easier it gets for the narrow minded bastards of our society to be able to do the same thing to ALL OF US.

For those that don�t know, three men Jessie Misskelley, Damien Echols, and Jason Baldwin were tried and convicted in a court of law for murder. Now, here�s the thing, it is well documented that these three men were not innocent until proven guilty; they were guilty until proven innocent. They had two big things going against them. One; they were metalheads. As well know, �metalheads� are murderous bastards who break into your house in the middle of the night and steal your children. The second thing going against them is one of the three (Echols) had an interest in occultism. Occultism!?!? OH GOD! Heaven forbid that someone have an interest in something other than the socially accepted norm! From the start, this trial reeked. There was absolutely no real evidence found against the three. To quote the Phoenix New Times from 11/14/96; �In the course of the trial, the defense effectively refuted the prosecution�s forensic case and established a very plausible alternative suspect. Against that, the prosecution argued basically that the three defendants, especially Echols, were weirdos who wore black and had unhealthful interests, so it�s a good bet that they did it.� What I�m saying is this, if this travesty is allowed to be carried on, EVERYONE of us who listens to metal or hard rock, believes in things against the societies norm or is a �social outcast� can JUST AS EASILY be convicted of a crime. I don�t care if you live in Arkansas, Canada or Zimbabwe this thing can and will set a precedent that will be the downfall of us all.

So, your asking yourself, �Wow, Dr Fever, what can I do to help right this horrible wrong?� Well, I�m glad you asked. The three are still appealing the courts decision, but the appeal process costs money. So, first things first, you can send money. Second thing you can do is spread the word, let people know just how flat out horrible the whole damn thing is. To help, write this address or contact this email address and do everything you can.

Free the West Memphis Three Support Fund 1626 N. Wilcox Ave. PMB 423 
Los Angeles, CA 90028 

Well, that about wraps it up. Just remember support the hell out of this, because you never know, one day it could be YOU who�s in a f***ed up situation like this, and if this thing is allowed to continue you might just end up that way. In closing, remember, FREE THE WEST MEMPHIS THREE!!

{End Transmission}

Questions, Comments and stupid reasons why Courtney didn't kill Kurt (HAHAHAHA) should be emailed to:  PureRockFury@antimusic.net

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