
Dr. Fever
Welcome to my world kiddies. Now, be warned my columns will offend some of you, hell, a lot of you. But, only those people with their heads so far up Carson Dalys ass that they can tell you what he had for breakfast, lunch and dinner! The real music fans will enjoy these little rants of mine. So, check it out and read on...you might just learn something.  I almost forgot, always remember that �hell is just a word, the reality is much, much worse.�-  Dr Fever
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My, How The Mighty Have Fallen!
Ok, so another MTV Video Music Awards have come and gone. Great, now it's gonna be six months of everybody here at school copying the every action of the "Video Of The Year" winner (which was Eminem and, come to think of it, everybody already copies him...s***..now it's just gonna get worse!! AWWW f***!!!). Funny thing about the VMA's, they use to be one of the only watchable things on MTV..but not anymore. Now they have that TRL feel to them, which makes me sick naturally.

This year's VMA's were a train wreck from the word "go". Starting with the terrible audio on Papa Roach's' performance...continuing all night with the two guys from In Living Color who never amounted to jacks*** (Shawn and Marlon Wayans) stepping all over each other and just flat out sucking as hosts...and ending with the absolutely pathetic performance from NOFX.. err.. Green Day... err... awww s***, what's there names??? Oh yeah...Blink 182. yeah, that's it. Pathetic, pathetic,  pathetic!!

Seems to me the formula for the VMA's is pretty much; "Take a legendary venue, set up some gluts, grab up a comedian or two and give 'em mics, fill the joint with Celebs and teeny boppers, add a bunch of performers and presenters who won't be remembered in 7 months, mix in some people that the older 
generation can like, add water, serve cold" Who cares if it sucks right?? MTV doesn't. They still get mad cash from it and they probably hook another couple hundred thousand people into the mindnumbing stupidity that is their daily programming.

Of course, don't get me wrong...the VMA's have had some really cool things happen over the years.. But every time the jackasses at MTV put on a show like this years, it just soils the cool stuff that's went down. Need reminded?? Let's review real fast...

1.Sting showing up on stage with Puff Daddy for the "I'll Be Missing You" tribute to the Notorious B.I.G

2. Nathaniel Hornblower wrecking shop on REM triumphing the case of Spike Jonez for best direction in a video...(for those of you who don't know..Hornblower is actually one of the Beastie Boys {can't remember which one right now} and he was upset that REM's 'Everybody Hurts' had beaten the video for 'Sabotage' in that category.) 

3. Howard Stern...Fartman. 'Nuff Said.

4. Micheal Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley...once again, 'Nuff said

5. (A note: This doesn't mean I like this artist..but I found the performance quite interesting). Marylin Manson performing "Beautiful People" to end the '97 VMA's.

Now, this list is just a short collection of things I've personally seen in my VMA viewings over the years, and I will say this...you can add a highlight from this years VMA's to the list. Tim C from Rage Against The Machine f***ing up Limp Dicks acceptance speech. That, ladies and gentlemen was beautiful television.

I'll close with one final thought. Christina Aguleria and Fred Durst doing that thing they did was the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. If I didn't already hate Fred Durst I would have after being subjected to that!!

Of course, that's just my opinion and I could be wrong.

Comments, question and stupid arguments why the Wayans brother where the best hosts ever should be emailed to: PureRockFury@antimusic.net

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