
Dr. Fever
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The downfall of modern society, damn you James Cameron!
Before I kick off my new rant, I'd like to say something. As your Vice President I will support President AntiGuy in all decisions and I will have sex with as many interns as possible!! Now, on with our new rant....

(**Readers Note: This rant was the VERY FIRST rant I ever wrote for my website, but for the purposes of antimusic and the need to entertain you all I'm reworking parts of it so it�ll read better and entertain you a little more..enjoy**)

I blame James Cameron for the fall of modern society! There, I said it. So, you�re asking yourself, �Dr Fever, what in the hell are you talking about!?!?�. Well, let me tell you, it all started when James Cameron decided to do �Titanic�. The man who had done �Terminator� and �Terminator 2� was going to do a LOVE STORY!?!?!? And, A love story about a damn boat none the less!!. For a movie that was supposed to be about a boat with a backstory of love, it sure as hell didn�t come out that way, especially when every 13 to 17 year old girl went out and saw the f***ing thing 50 times and the movie ended up grossing 1.8 billion worldwide!! That�s nuckin futs!!! 

So, you�re asking, �How does this mean James Cameron is directly responsible for the downfall of modern civilization?�. The leeches in the world who work in marketing and promotion for record labels in the music industry were DESPERATLY trying to find new avenue from which to suck money out of the public at large. Once these leaches realized just how much money the young girl demographic had to spend, they started finding NEW ways to suck them dry, even though the ways the took had actually been around for years (the Beatles started out as a boy band more or less..but, they actually had talent and ended up telling there version of slimy leeches to go f*** themselves, that�s why we were graced with such classics at �the white album� and �Sgt. peppers lonely hearts club band�, and that�s why the Beatles ended up being the single most influential musicians of all time).Back to now, Enter Carson Daly, The Backstreet Boys, N Sync and all that type of s***. I�m sorry, but someone as annoying and worthless as Carson Daly doesn�t just �luck� into a job at MTV, 
he�s put there for a reason...think about it....you want an example? In the last couple of years, this man has bagged Jennifer Love Hewitt and Christina Aguleria!! That my friends is where his �luck� lay, his �JOB� was a well planned out and carefully executed plan to attack a certain demographic..sadly it worked. As far as those even more worthless boy bands go, well, they�ve got a heritage. Think back a couple years, think back to New Kids On The Block. Yeah, a scary heritage don�t you think? Anyway, some schmo remembered how much these guys had young girls sweating back in the day and thought: �Hey, lets build on this disposable income thing and bring back something ever little girl loves..boy bands!� And, voila, instant moneymaker. Sadly, the trend continues. I mean, ABC did a TV show to create a NEW boy band, MTV did a movie that (from what I can tell) was supposed to make fun of those that are the reason they have viewers, instead, it produced even ANOTHER boy band! GODDAMN IT!! Does it ever end!!?!?!!? Now? We live in a world where, (love �em or hate �em) a credible, actual BAND (Pantera) can�t outsell a bunch of pimple popping, no talent, kids (n sync) in the first week out of the box!And, also, week after week, boy bands and jailbait bitches outsell everyone. I mean, the hardcore and true fans of bands like Pantera, AC/DC, Metallica and others are out there fighting the good fight, trying to help others who have been inflicted with the sickness of actually (gulp) liking these �artists� (very loose term there). One last thing; what I find really sad and disturbing are guys who listen to N Sync, 98 Degrees, BSB, Britnay Spears, etc just because they want to impress girls. 

Newsflash; that�s f***ing sad! Hey (no offense to the female readers) I understand the male need to try and get ass, but damn it guys, do it yourselves, get the girl to want you because of who you are. Don�t change yourselves and give up your musical principles in the name of ass!
So, I'm putting out the call..everyone come get blessed at the altar of rock n roll..cleanse yourselves of the sins of boybands. Then, someone, anyone, track down James Cameron and shoot him in the head. Before he dies, tell him it�s all his fault and he can shove that damn boat straight up his f***ing ass!!!

Of course, that�s just MY opinion and I could be wrong.

Questions, Comments should be emailed to:  PureRockFury@antimusic.net

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