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This sparked quite a controversy. On one hand some might say that it was Miley growing up and following the predictable poptart path where the teen princess goes from clean Disney star to provocative sexpot (kind of disturbing since she's just 15). Others, including Miley and Disney, are claiming she was somehow manipulated into doing the shoot which she says she told was going to be "artistic." Perhaps Miley (or her parents and managers) never heard of the David Hamilton's version of "art" before when she agreed to do a "artistic" photo shoot for a magazine known for racy photos of celebs. "I took part in a photo shoot that was supposed to be 'artistic' and now, seeing the photographs and reading the story, I feel so embarrassed," she said in a statement. "I never intended for any of this to happen and I apologize to my fans who I care so deeply about."
Vanity Fair have a different memory of what happened, "Miley's parents and/or minders were on the set all day," the magazine told Entertainment Tonight. "Since the photo was taken digitally, they saw it on the shoot and everyone thought it was a beautiful and natural portrait of Miley."
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"We're coming out with something in a couple of weeks and I think it's going to surprise everybody. It's exciting. We're moving forward. We're going to keep going and play rock n roll and get a new guy singing so, we did it before we'll do it again."
Sorum went on to say, "We're really seriously thinking about doing something online. Yeah, we got offered a couple of different television ideas you know. Mark Burnett called us and asked us to do that Rockstar thing and we basically said 'No!' to that. We didn't feel it was right for us. No disrespect to him but it just didn't feel right for what we want to do.
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It was the first time Led Zeppelin had appeared onstage since their hugely successful reunion concert in front of 22,000 fans at London's O2 centre in December.
In an interview after that concert, Page said the band were ready to reunite and perform more live events. But he said that fans could have to wait until autumn 2009 as band members had to tie up individual projects first.
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"Danny Federici, for 40 years the E Street Band's organist and keyboard player, died this afternoon, April 17, 2008 at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City after a three year battle with melanoma.
"Bruce Springsteen's concerts scheduled for Friday in Ft. Lauderdale and Saturday in Orlando performance are being postponed. Replacement dates will be announced shortly."
Tony K was on hand for Danny's last performance on March 20th in Indianapolis. In tribute to Danny we are posting a link to Tony's review so we can remember Danny doing what he loved most.
- Read it here and RIP Danny you will be missed.
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They stopped at a 7-Eleven for beer (Sting, at a 7-Eleven?) and hung out for hours in Sting's basement. During that time, Smith told Sting about an ex-girlfriend of his named Roxanne, who was a prostitute. Smith also explained how after his father died, he wrote his mom messages, which he put in a bottle. Just like in the song! Oh, right ...
Smith claims Sting agreed to give him royalties for the songs, but never did. Here is the best part -- Smith claims Sting tried to contact him, through his mom, but she didn't pass along the messages because she thought the real police were after her son!
- What happened next? The victim called The Police, but did Sting put on the red light?
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On how they felt when Scott informed a sold-out Glasgow SECC in March that they were "watching something special � the last tour by VELVET REVOLVER": Slash: "He [Scott] didn't know that we were already planning on extraditing him. When we started touring the second record, it just felt like we were losing Scott as far as our connection went. During the tour with ALICE IN CHAINS [in August 2007], he was just out to lunch. When he came back, he was supposed to go to rehab, so we postponed our Austrailian tour but he didn't really go to rehab. That was the final blow. We had a lot of commitments, like the tour in the UK, which we didn't want to go back on, so we wanted to finish those before telling him."
On the relationship between Weiland and the rest of VELVET REVOLVER on their last tour together: Slash: "We basically didn't speak a word that whole time. We gave him the cold shoulder in the UK like nobody's business. There were a couple of arguments around the stage, but other than that, nobody spoke to him. I imagine he was quite uncomfortable. No wonder he didn't have a good time. Then he told everyone in Glasgow that the whole band was over. We were like, 'Oh, well, I guess we've got a surprise coming for you, Scott.
- he ain't done
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Here is what they had to say: Robin's plans caught everyone in Guns, as well as our fans, a bit off-guard. Really, Del James' private e-mail that someone took upon themselves to post publicly is the best way for us to address things at this time: "Only Robin knows what Robin's doing."
Neither we nor management, etc., know any more in this regard and we prefer not to speculate or offer opinions at this time. Robin's Robin. We're in negotiations for the release of "Chinese Democracy" and things are going well.
When we begin to put tour plans together, we'll see where things are. Until then, Robin's touring with NIN and we're working with management on our game plans. Our thanks to those who continue to show their support.
- GNR's official site
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According to a lawsuit obtained by TMZ, Andy Kallas claims was watching the boys perform at Schuba's Tavern in Chicago, when Wentz and his peeps beat him to a pulp for several minutes.
Kallas claims he suffered "serious injuries to his head, mouth and face." The way the lawsuit reads, the attack was totally unprovoked. But here's the deal. We're told Kallas was loud, obnoxious and heckling the band before the incident.
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Following the publication of last years Ugliest People in Music gallery � which saw Shane MacGowan come top � we've just unveiled part two The new gallery has been created using the feedback of Gigwise readers, a lot of whom seemed to think Amy Winehouse didn't scrub up to well.
[Some highlights include no. 11 Mick Jones of The Clash- No. 7 Gene Simmons- No. 4. Mick Mars of Motley Crue- 3. Ric Ocasek- You'll have to go to
- Gigwise to see No. 1 and the rest of the hall of shame. ]
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Kroeger was sentenced to the bare minimum when he appeared in court on Thursday. Just what is the crime of driving with twice the legal limit of alcohol in your system going for these days? A staggering $600 fine and a year without a drivers license.
He was approached by reporters on the courthouse steps and he wasn't asked directly for his reaction to this heavy handed sentence or if he was sore-y, he was asked instead what he would tell his young fans. "Don't drink and drive. Absolutely," he replied. "I don't condone drinking and driving. I don't think you should do it. Everybody makes mistakes."
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Blabbermouth has the story: Chelsea Schilling of WorldNetDaily reports that the FBI is now reviewing a Wikipedia photo of a nude adolescent that could violate federal child-pornography laws.
The image in question, titled "Virgin Killer" from RCA's 1976 SCORPIONS rock album, depicts a naked pre-pubescent girl (appearing about 10 years of age) in a provocative pose. Her chest is completely exposed and a small crack is placed over her vagina.
The album's cover was banned in the United States due to its extremely controversial nature and was later replaced with a photo of the band.
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TMZ has the Playboy story: Hugh Hefner doesn't get what the big deal is about 15-year-old Miley Cyrus showing a little skin. The Playboy founder told "Extra" (via NY Daily News) that he's open to having Miley really bare all and stop being a tease when she turns 18.
And Marc Malkin of E! Online has the Travolta story: "Not only are they both voicing characters in the upcoming animated flick Bolt, but Travolta's wife, Kelly Preston, tells me they could be making music together. 'Johnny may sing with Miley,' Preston said at last week's Step Up Women's Network's Inspiration Awards luncheon at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel."
- Which offer should she take? While you think about it, read the rest of the E! article
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Rush's self-titled debut album was released in March 1974, and Rutsey left soon after in July 1974. Neil Peart joined that same month, and played his first show on August 14, 1974. In a 1989 Rockline interview, Lifeson remarked, "John's still around. I see John quite often. He gave up playing shortly after he left the band and went into bodybuilding.
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Lowdown: A TMZ source was there last night [Sat], and witnessed Suge talking to a guy -- and the convo was friendly enough at first. Then it turned. Suge shouted, "I want my money!" Suge then rushed the guy with the help of his posse, and began hitting and kicking him. Get this -- during the fight, Suge put a random guy in a headlock, demanding his cellphone.
People outside the club broke up the fight, and as the beatee got up, he landed a right hook to Suge's face, knocking him out cold. We're told Knight was out for nearly three minutes.
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Adams is also an acclaimed photographer whose work is currently on display as the official lensman for Hear the World (www.hear-the-world.com), a global initiative that raises awareness about the importance of good hearing and the impact of hearing loss. The exhibit opened in New York on May 1, then will travel to Berlin and Zurich in June.
One of Adams' most viewed photographs is a recent portrait of Senator Hillary Clinton, which is currently being used as a campaign poster. "I'm flattered that Senator Clinton would use one of my images for such an important time in American politics," says Adams. "As a Canadian and an impartial observer, I'd be pleased to take Senator Obama's portrait."
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Here is what he had to say, "Well, another Cinco de Mayo bash at the Tahoe Wabo... and what a party!! I had a great time as usual, and can't wait till the next one. I'll be putting up some pictures on my website to check out, and if any of you crazies who were there would like to share some of your shots, send them on over and Bobo (Brad) will put them up.
"On another note, Sammy and I are working on a new project with a couple of good friends, and it is going to be totally KICKASS!! so stay tuned. Summer is almost here, so get out the suntan lotion, and I'll see you guys out there soon."
- Anthony's site
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Sleaxeroxx has the story: A new reality TV show will see Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee team up with rapper Ludacris to build homes out of sustainable construction bamboo. The TV show, 'Battleground Earth' will see the artists build small houses out of construction "kits".
As Jeffree Trudeau, President of Bamboo Technologies, the company behind the project says, "Our buildings range in size from a 120 sq ft tropical bungalow, like those assembled on Battleground Earth, to an over 3000 sq ft, fully insulated, 2 story Bamboo Mansion. The smaller kits assemble in a matter of days, and in the case of Tommy Lee and Ludacris, in a matter of hours, making them particularly attractive for disaster relief."
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There were several scuffles with security during Black Tide's set and even more after a reading from James' book.
According to the New York Post's "Page Six", "literary types were horrified as the brawl spilled out to the sidewalk, where it took 20 cops to quell the violence. Three men were arrested."
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The girl, Maria, was hit in the driveway of the family's home Wednesday afternoon by a Toyota Land Cruiser driven by her teenage brother, said Laura McPherson, a spokeswoman for the Tennessee Highway Patrol.
The brother, whose name and exact age weren't available, apparently did not see the girl, McPherson said. No charges are expected.
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Skwerl � who used to work in the distribution department of Universal Music and is now a Web designer � runs the blog Antiquiet, and says he received the tracks from "an anonymous online source."
Yesterday Skwerl was surprised to find himself face to face with two FBI agents who paid a visit to his day job. "It was kind of an ambush," Skwerl tells Rolling Stone. "When I came back from lunch they were waiting in the lobby for me. It's a little creepy they know where I work." Two young FBI officers, who Skwerl describes as "Mulder and Scully types," questioned him for 15 minutes about where he got the tracks and made plans to visit his house at 7:00 a.m. this morning.
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In an exclusive interview for this week's Kerrang! magazine, Bennington said, "I'm friends with all the guys in Velvet Revolver and have played with all of them before. I'm friends with Scott too. I think the rumour that I was going to join Velvet Revolver started because Slash asked me if I'd come play a show with them in Vegas right around the time that Scott left the band. Timing-wise, it didn't work out for me, though. Maybe people assumed that invitation meant I was joining the band."
"If I wasn't in Linkin Park anymore and I didn't know Scott, though, I'd say yes," he says. "Who wouldn't? The music is great and it would be a really cool opportunity."
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The article does not go into much detail about the project, except to say that Reznor is working on it with producer Lawrence Bender, who is Quentin Tarantino's partner
The rest of the Times interview, which took place at Reznor's home "on the outskirts of Beverly Hills," touches on his abandonment of the major label system, his recent online album releases, and his own struggle to reinvent himself in the age of music downloading.
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Blabbermouth speculates that this just might be the artwork to their new album "Silence The Critics, Even The Ones That Praise Us" (not really the title), which is expected to street in September.
The mysterious artwork features two back to back magnets shooting out the M in Metallica's logo. It was posted on the Metallica website under the headline "???". Our guess is that it was sent in by a fan and they liked it enough to post it, but it could be the artwork (if they have $50 budget for such things).
- check it out here
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Similar to the first cycle, the second season of "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" will follow Jeff Conaway as he checks back into rehab after a series of back surgeries, setbacks and subsequent reliance on pain medications.
Joining him in rehab are Sean Stewart ("Sons of Hollywood"), Amber Smith (model/actress), Rodney King, Nikki McKibbon ("American Idol"), Adler and Kitaen. Gary Busey, who is 13 years sober from his cocaine addiction, will also be joining the cast to take the journey with the others and to share his experiences on the recovery process.
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During a familiar rant by Simmons about how KISS could go on forever, NRK's journalist asked jokingly if the band would consider looking for replacements for Simmons and Stanley in a tv-show, on the model of American Idol. "We have already signed the contract, and it is going to go through in a couple of months" was Simmons' reply.
Co-founder Paul Stanley was not very happy to hear about his bandmate's statement regarding KISS' future. "These things are typical. Gene says something as if it was a fact, but there is no signed deal. The future has many possibilities. Will it happen next week? No! Am I opposed to the idea? Of course not" he retorted.
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The ashes of legendary grunge musician Kurt Cobain have been stolen, according to his distraught widow Courtney Love. The Nirvana frontman's ashes were taken from Love's Los Angeles residence, she said. Cobain's ashes had been stored in a pink bear-shaped bag, along with a lock of his hair.
"They were all I had left of my husband," said the Hole singer. [Maybe she shouldn't have sold off the other stuff?] "I can't believe anyone would take Kurt's ashes from me. I find it disgusting and right now I'm suicidal. If I don't get them back I don't know what I'll do."
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According to a lawsuit filed moments ago in Los Angeles County Superior Court, the Sex Pistol singer allegedly beat the crap out of a female assistant after calling her every horrible name in the book after the taping of a television show in 2007.
In the lawsuit, Roxane Davis claims Rotten, real name John Lydon, "cocked back his fist ... and punched her in the face" when the rocker was forced to stay in a room at the Ritz Carlton Hotel that didn't share a door with his other assistant ... a dude named Rambo.
Davis says both Rotten and Rambo unleashed a verbal tirade, calling her a "fat f**king c*nt, f**king c*nt, and fat f**king whore."
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Asked whom he himself would like to jam with, McCready had one person in mind: "I'd love to have Jack White up. I just, I think he's just a phenomenal guitar player and I'd love to see him play up close.
"I've seen The White Stripes in Europe, but it was kind of far away. But I'd love to have him up there and jam because he's got a killer voice and he's a great lead player too. So that would be exciting to me."
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International Women's Day 2025: We Salute You!
Root 66: Chris Berardo, Slaw, Wonderly and More
Sites and Sounds: Cheap Trick to Headline Pure Imagination Festival in Arizona
Road Trip: A Music Fan's Guide to Clarksville, Tennessee
Harakiri for the Sky - Scorched Earth
Halestorm Announce U.S. Tour Dates With Volbeat
Mastodon's Bill Kelliher Shares New L. A. Project Track 'My Way Space Fuzz'
Thornhill Premiere 'TONGUES' Video
Krooked Tongue Go DIY For 'Let 'Em Loose' Video
Balu Brigada Rock Jimmy Kimmel LIVE
Neurosis' Steve Von Till Announces Solo Album With 'Watch Them Fade'
The Doors Fans Can Visit Historic Locations With New Maps Guide
Guns N' Roses, Linkin Park, Slipknot, A7X Lead Rock For People Lineup